Working Your Database

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The most important aspect in running a real estate business is being able to stay consistent with your database. Most agents don’t realize it but they put in a lot of time and effort in building a perfect database. With poor work ethics they end up putting their database to waste because they have a poor structure of catering to their network.

V.I.P. List

Regardless of how many people are in your database, there has to be a specific category where you place your top V.I.P. List. This list should contain people that are most beneficial and rewarding to you. You should always provide your V.I.P. list with top services because they are usually the ones who refer you to new business.

For example as a real estate agent, a lender should be in your V.I.P. List because you need buyers to be preapproved. By not having a good lender that has a fast response time, you may not be able to help your buyers purchase a home in time. You want to make sure that you are a priority on their list and vice versa.

Hosting Happy Hours

It’s important that you cater to your V.I.P. list because your main goal is to break bread with each other.  When you host happy hours with your database it strengthens the relationship with one another. You need to develop a habit of finding new ways to show your database that you truly care about them and want to build real relationships that will last a lifetime.

Make The Calls

Whether it’s calling your database once a week or once a month, you need to be in consistent in making the calls because you want to always be top of mind of your database for real estate needs. But every call that you make has to be effective because no one wants you to call them just to waste their time. We all have busy work schedules so it’s important to respect people’s time and opinions.

A great way to remember to make your daily calls is by implementing a schedule into your CRM system. To be successful in making these calls, you need to pick a time slot out of your day to dedicate time for calling. This will allow you to remain consistent and lets your network know when you usually call.

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