5 Steps to Increase Website Traffic Using FB Ads

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The question is how to get more website visitors and Facebook Ads are one of the solutions. Targeted and personalized advertising on Facebook is a proven method for boosting your website traffic and therefore also your brand awareness.

These are the 5 steps you need to follow to increase website traffic with Facebook Ads.

  1. Create Audience Segments

Reaching your audience through organic Facebook content is becoming increasingly difficult because of Facebook algorithms. It is no wonder that more and more businesses are turning to Facebook Ads to reach their target market.

However, there is an algorithm for Facebook Ads, too. Without going into details, it suffices to know that the more personalized the Facebook Ad, the better your results.

So, the first step in setting up Facebook Ads is creating specific audience segments based on demographics and their online behavior. This lets you customize who sees what.

  1. Retarget Your Website Audience

Did you know you can set up Facebook ad campaigns targeting an audience that have visited specific pages of your website? We call this website audience segments and it is marketing gold.

Armed with this insight, you can create Facebook Ads that play into what those website visitors were looking for. In other words, you can lure them in by offering them exactly what they want.

This retargeting or remarketing strategy is highly effective. The click-through rate (CTR) of retargeted Facebook Ads is significantly higher than in more generalized ads.

  1. Convert Likes Into Visitors

Another clever Facebook segment to invest in are the profiles liking your content. This indicates that they are interested in your services but have not had the push to visit your website yet.

Set up an ad campaign targeting those that have engaged on your Facebook business page. If they like your Facebook content, chances are that they will also like what they find on your website.

  1. A/B Testing

You don’t know if you are maximizing your ads if you have no comparison material. That is why A/B testing, a basic marketing principle, is still an essential tool in social media marketing.

Set up several advertisement designs for each audience segment. Experiment with the copy, the imagery, the colors, the time of publishing, etc.

Let these ads run for a smaller audience for a short amount of time (for budgeting) and then monitor which performs best. Once you choose the winner, adjust the budget according to the reach and timeline that you want.

  1. Set Up High Converting Landing Pages

When your Facebook audience clicks on your advertisement, where do they go? The landing page after a Facebook ad is crucial because this determines whether they stay on your website or not.

A high converting landing page takes the visitor straight to the point. The fewer clicks there are until final lead conversion, the better.

In practice, this means taking them directly to a contact form and a list of your services, current listings, or mortgage options.

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