Loan Officer Marketing Tips for 2020

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Few loan officers engage in social media for growing their network. Yet, this is a valuable channel for reaching potential clients – the limited competition works in your favor.

An effective social media marketing strategy does not deliver overnight. It is a long-term tactic but over time you will notice steadier lead generation and more stable revenue.

Which Social Media Platforms Should Loan Officers Use?

The best answer to this question is: whichever social media platform your target market uses. To reach your target market, you need to understand their online behavior.

Think about the demographic of the clients you want to work with and which app that group is most likely to use. In the beginning, you may want to spread out your options and do a 3-6 months trial run on all social media platforms to confirm which app is best.

Top 3 Social Media Platforms for Loan Officers

  1. LinkedIn

What is the first social media platform that comes to mind when you think of finance professionals? Most people will answer LinkedIn, including your target market.

LinkedIn is the go-to channel for B2B marketing but you can leverage its tools to grow your clientele, as well. It has fantastic systems for sponsored content and even lets you send customized messages on a mass scale.

This is also the perfect platform for establishing your expertise in the finance field. Connecting with other mortgage professionals and regularly posting helpful insights into loans shows to your page visitors that you are an authority on the subject matter.

  1. Facebook

Among all social media options, Facebook still ranks at the top for engagement. Every function on Facebook invites interaction which is exactly what you need to focus on when building your network.

Besides your business page, consider starting and joining Facebook groups relating to loans, finance, and mortgages. Make sure you are a member of both groups with only professionals and groups with people interested in getting a loan or mortgage.

In the professional’s group, you get to make valuable business relationships and stay up-to-date on what is happening in your profession. In the more general group, you come into contact with potential clients.

Just remember that people in Facebook groups do not appreciate spammy members that are always trying to sell. Instead, focus on genuine interactions and offering advice.

  1. Twitter

People love asking questions on Twitter and people love jumping into threads. Even the simplest questions can generate a viral thread-making you an instant sensation.

For loan officers, Twitter is a great platform for connecting with the more mature crowd. There is also a very big community of parents active on Twitter, making it a great source of leads for mortgages.

If you spend some time looking for the different communities on Twitter, you will receive a daily Twitter feed full of leads. You can also set up a Twitter ad campaign targeting the market that brings you the highest revenue.

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